Sunday 8 September 2013

Day 27 (22nd August 2013) and 28 (24th August 2013) of my Budget Restoration of my Series 2 Land Rover

Day 27

This didn't seem to be a day that we did very much, but we did. We had to take all of the stick bars off the tub and the canvas. We also had to take the tub off. This was not an easy task to do as there was only 3 people lifting the tub off. But we got there in the end LOL. Then we had to take the screen off. As usual with most of the stuff on the Series, it had not just nuts and bolts, but  lot of silicon holding bits on. The man that had it before me must have shares in the silicon company as he used tons of the stuff on the car.

Day 28

Anyway, the canvas, the stick bars, the tub and the windscreen are now all off. It has taken a long journey to get to this stage, but we are nearly ready for the brakes to be done.

This is what my 'Jane-May' looks like with the tarpaulin over it.

Unfortunately the weather has been bad again and we have not been able to get much more done on it today. So there are only photos of the tarpaulin over the car.

Lets hope tomorrow is a better day for the weather and we will be able to get loads more done.

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